Friday, April 15, 2011

One Down...

Well I have made it one week. And as silly as it might seem, I am choosing to celebrate the little things. My new normal is going alright, for starters I am putting that gym membership to work :) Better to be on an eliptical watching t.v. than sitting at home on the couch doing the same thing. I have been working on my "to do" list and so far it is full of exciting things like cleaning, purging closets of clothes etc. Once these are done I will move on to the next thing, what that is I haven't decided, but it will come soon enough. I think that keeping in motion is best, a nice steady pace. No need to sprint ( I have never been a runner anyways). I want to take my time to make sure my next move is the best one I could make for myself.

1 comment:

Angie said...

make sure whatever you decide to do next includes me! :)