Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happiest Place on Earth??

Let me start off this post by saying that I have been scolded for being a bad blogger, bad as in not blogging enough!!! So I am trying to make up for it with a flurry of posts, so keep scrolling down for more :)

One of the girls at work was at Disney World for her birthday, so to celebrate at work we had cupcakes, which were SO delicious, plates and napkins with Mickey Mouse on them as well as these funny headbands with mouse ears on them. The rest of the week was quite challenging as we were really busy and short a person. To rally, Ivy and I wore our ears every day, it was necessary to keep things moving. On Thursday Cheryl made us little polka dot bows for our ears, just like Minnie! It is times like this that I really love the people that I work with!


Wicky said...

yay! welcome back to the blogosphere! glad to have you :-)
looks like you've been up to some fun stuff. And I'm going to disney world next wednesday because it's my friend Jessica's birthday! what a funny coincidence

Kathi and Bob said...

I'm so happy to see you are blogging again. It's such a fun way to keep track of what's "going on". Also, glad you are enjoying our blog. Hope your comfy on the new couch! Take care.